Have you wondered about prophetic ministry? Do you have questions? Is it for today? Is it for any believer? How do you really hear God? We are so glad you ask questions! We’d love the opportunity to help you discover the answers here at Freedom Christian Center. Character, accountability, and protocol help us mature and walk in freedom as we train and exercise in the use of the prophetic gifts. Prophetic training is offered and taught by those who have completed all four levels of the prophetic classes (including their one-year internship) and proven themselves as a member of the prophetic ministry team. All aspects have pastoral oversight and built in accountability.
Pastors Tim and Kelly have many years of experience and training in the area of prophecy that they have used to build a strong and safe ministry. They encourage everyone to at least take APT 1 class (level one) so that you have a basic understanding of the prophetic whether as the person using the gift or being the person ministered to through the gift. Please feel free to ask if you want to know more.
APT I - Ministering Spiritual Gifts: The focus is on creating a general understanding of the revelatory gifts (prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits), what they are, how they work, and different ways God speaks/reveals information to you. This class recommended for every believer whether you desire to eventually move onto prophetic ministry teams or simply want to have a better understanding for yourself and your family. This 6–week class is a prerequisite for APT 2. Requirements for graduation eligibility: no more than one class absence, completion of all homework, participation in class activities, and completion of the 10 scripture memory verses. Missed classes may be made up in the next offering of the APT 1 class. (6-week class. Requires purchase of workbook)
APT II - Prophets, Pitfalls & Principles: This class builds on APT 1. It focuses on strengthening the maturity and character of the believer by looking at examples of individuals in the Bible. It includes teaching on several areas and pitfalls that are often relative to prophetic people. This class is a prerequisite for APT 3. Requirements for graduation eligibility: no more than one class absence, completion of all homework, and participation in class activities. Missed classes may be made up in the next offering of the APT 1 class. (8-10 week class. Requires purchase of reading book and course workbook)
APT III - Prophetic Team Building: This class builds on APT 1 & 2. It focuses on several aspects that help individuals understand how to interact and operate on a prophetic team. At the conclusion of this class, individuals who successfully graduate may choose to complete an application for a prophetic team internship called APT 4. Requirements for graduation eligibility: no more than one class absence, completion of all homework, and participation in class activities. If more than one class is missed, missed classes may be made up in the next offering of the APT 3 class.(6 weekly classes or a weekend intensive. Requires purchase of workbook)
APT IV - Internship: If selected after application, the individual will be assigned a mentor who will help train and evaluate the individual (along with pastoral oversight) for one year as they begin to observe and get involved in actual hands on prophetic team ministry. After successful completion of the internship program, the individual will become a full member of the prophetic team. Individuals who successfully complete this level may also be eligible (with pastoral approval) to teach other levels of APT training classes.