Missions - Making God Known!
Freedom Christian Center is very ACTIVE in missions and is COMMITTED to SERVING those who don't know Christ. Below is a list of the missions and ministries that we support, both financially and spiritually. Please visit their individual web links to find out more about them.
- Love Inc.: A Ministry that walks along side those in need, helping them problem solve during difficult times and works to determine how the Church can help. www.Loveincbrevard.com or email: [email protected] Referral Help Line: 321-253-9542
- Operation Hope: Jesse and Jan Zermeno - A Ministry dedicated to providing support, education, and assistance to migrant workers and their families. www.operationhopefl.org
- Pregnancy Resources: A ministry that provides free services, education and support in a compassionate, Christ-centered environment to women and families facing unexpected pregnancy. http://main.melbournepri.com
- Special Gatherings: A ministry within the mentally challenged community. Our mission is evangelism and discipleship of people who are cognitively disabled. http://specialgathering.wordpress.com
- Haiti: Fishers of Men Ministries, Jay and Linda Threadgill http://www.fomhaiti.org | [email protected] Stateside Office: Fishers of Men Ministries International , PO Box 410953 , Melbourne, FL 32941 Phone: (321) 752-6766
- Guatemala: Mike Black Ministries http://mikeblackministries.org email: [email protected] Stateside Mailing Address: Mike Black Ministries, P.O. Box 411076, Melbourne, FL 32941
- Guatemala: Janet Moutray / Commission to Every Nation. https://cten.org/missionary/janetmoutray/ . Tax-deductable gifts may be sent for Janet and the work in Guatemala two ways: Online at https://cten.org/janetmoutray/ or by mail to CTEN, PO Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029 (Checks should be made payable to CTEN. Attach a note indicating that the gift is for Janet Moutray.)
- Overland Missions: Lowinski LeFleur / Zambia; Bruce & Darla Paddon / Malawi
- Korea & China: Zaphnath Paaneah | Serving Christ by Impacting North Korea with Goodness www.zpinc.org or email: [email protected] | 321-514-7342
- Clarion Call: Adam and Katherine Morris, based in Murmansk Russia. http://www.clarioncallinternational.org