Currently meeting at Freedom Christian Center or in homes...
Workbook will needed for this study.
LADIES BIBLE STUDY Starting a New Book:
January 9, 2025 @ 10am Led by Colleen Happenny, the weekly ladies Bible Study group will dive into the book GameChangers by Aglow International. The messages are rooted in the New Testament teachings of Paul who urged the people of his day to live out of the new life given to them after accepting the complete work of Jesus Christ into their lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Old things have passed away and all things have become new.” Discover how you are known in Heaven. Understanding that God is not looking at the mistakes in your life but looking at Christ living in your heart will set you free from the lies shouted to stop you from walking in the fullness of freedom that living as a child of the King brings. God never intended for us to live on leftovers like the prodigal son. He intends that we live out of our Kingdom experience. For more information, please contact Colleen Happenny at [email protected] |
No need to register. Please call or text Dennis and let him know you will be attending. |
A Men's Small Group for those 55 and older!
Led by Dennis Miller, this group will be an opportunity for men (55 years and older) to grow, learn, and connect with those who seek to glorify the Lord in their lives. They will meet twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Thursday's at 7pm at Dennis' home. (please contact the church office or Dennis Miller for the Gate Code to enter the Savannah's Subdivision) The group will kick off using a study by Tony Evans, entitled Kingdom Man. Kingdom Man calls men to biblical manhood. You will be exhorted to exercise the authority God has given you, and fulfill your role to provide leadership and mirror God’s character! As men, we need to take hold of our biblical anointing and become men sold out for the kingdom of God. For more information, please contact Dennis Miller at 321-614-7804 |
Open to: Believers who want to mature
Location: North Melbourne Start Date: On-going group Day & Time: Varies - contact small group leader Leaders: Ismael & Sharon Otero Contact: [email protected] Ismael best describes the group this way - “This isn’t a short term group. It’s for the long haul. We will disciple, mentor, challenge, develop ministers, study end-times and grow into the full stature of our beloved Jesus.” Serious soul searching will be required, confessing will take place as we trust one another, being accountable to the community will develop and being able to be corrected as well. For more information or to join this group, please email Ismael & Sharon at [email protected] |