HELLO and THANKS for checking us out!
You is not by accident that you are reading this! At Freedom Christian Center, Bringing Freedom and Life to People & Glory to God is our passion! AND what better way than to introduce you to the radical grace that God offers each of us through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ!
The Gospel is the GOOD NEWS that by His grace and for His glory, the holy and righteous God made a way for everyone to receive forgiveness of sins - through the life, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ - by repenting of sin and believing in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord.
WE ARE LOVED: We are more loved than we we'll ever be able to comprehend--by the all-powerful, loving God, who created the universe and human beings in His image and revealed the way to experience a loving relationship with Him.
Genesis 1:26-27; Exodus 19:5-6; Exodus 34:5-7
Through rebellion all human beings have broken their relationship with God by rejecting His way and choosing to live for themselves. This leaves every person and all creation broken and under God's judgement.
Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 1:18-25; Romans 3:9-20; Romans 3:23
God sent His perfect Son to become a human being and at the cross God placed our sin upon Jesus where He was judged and punished in our place. Jesus' victory over sin and death was confirmed when he rose from the dead and God exalted him as King over all.
Isaiah 53:5-6; Romans 3:25-26; 1 Peter 3:18; Romans 1:1-4
We are saved from sin and judgement when we stop trusting in our own efforts and trust in the finished work of Jesus alone to rescue us. By God's grace alone, through repentance and faith, we are reconciled to God and are empowered to live a new life as we follow Jesus our King.
Mark 1:14-15; Ephesians 2:4-9; Romans 10:9-13
His followers are sent and empowered by the Holy Spirit to Share the Good News with others and to demonstrate the blessings of Jesus' kingdom until He returns to make all thing new.
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:4-8; Matthew 24:14; Revelation 21:1-5
The Gospel is the GOOD NEWS that by His grace and for His glory, the holy and righteous God made a way for everyone to receive forgiveness of sins - through the life, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ - by repenting of sin and believing in Jesus alone as Savior and Lord.
WE ARE LOVED: We are more loved than we we'll ever be able to comprehend--by the all-powerful, loving God, who created the universe and human beings in His image and revealed the way to experience a loving relationship with Him.
Genesis 1:26-27; Exodus 19:5-6; Exodus 34:5-7
Through rebellion all human beings have broken their relationship with God by rejecting His way and choosing to live for themselves. This leaves every person and all creation broken and under God's judgement.
Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 1:18-25; Romans 3:9-20; Romans 3:23
God sent His perfect Son to become a human being and at the cross God placed our sin upon Jesus where He was judged and punished in our place. Jesus' victory over sin and death was confirmed when he rose from the dead and God exalted him as King over all.
Isaiah 53:5-6; Romans 3:25-26; 1 Peter 3:18; Romans 1:1-4
We are saved from sin and judgement when we stop trusting in our own efforts and trust in the finished work of Jesus alone to rescue us. By God's grace alone, through repentance and faith, we are reconciled to God and are empowered to live a new life as we follow Jesus our King.
Mark 1:14-15; Ephesians 2:4-9; Romans 10:9-13
His followers are sent and empowered by the Holy Spirit to Share the Good News with others and to demonstrate the blessings of Jesus' kingdom until He returns to make all thing new.
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:4-8; Matthew 24:14; Revelation 21:1-5
What's the NEXT STEP?
Admit that you have sinned.
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
Believe in your heart that Christ died for your sin.
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) "But God commands His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Savior and Lord.
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." (Romans 10:9)
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
Believe in your heart that Christ died for your sin.
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) "But God commands His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Savior and Lord.
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." (Romans 10:9)
Congratulations on Your DECISION!
Accepting Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior, is the most significant decision that you will ever make. Welcome to the family! Now that you have made this life-changing decision, we want to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our heart that as you read through this, you will understand more fully what has happened to you and where this exciting journey is headed.
You may be asking yourself? How do I really know I am saved? The answer is simple…because God said so! Romans 10:9 says “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." God never changes and His Word never changes!
You may be asking yourself? How do I really know I am saved? The answer is simple…because God said so! Romans 10:9 says “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." God never changes and His Word never changes!
- John 6:47 ” Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life”
- I John 4”14 “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God”
- Rev. 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”
- First, plug yourself in to a good bible-based Church – Relationship with other Christians is an important part of your growth. Hebrews 10:25 “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
- Second, read Your Bible everyday– It’s full of things God wants you to know. Set aside time each day to do this. Psalm 119:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.”
- Third, pray everyday – It’s an honor to talk with God, He’s always available! Speak from your heart. Did you know that you can speak to God just as if He was sitting across from you? John 16:24 “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
- Fourth, Obey God – If you don’t know whether a particular action is right or wrong, ask yourself – “What would Jesus do?”
- And, lastly, share your new faith – Tell someone what the Lord has done for you.