Equipped to Overcome!
Pivotal messages to help you navigate difficult times!
#1: Anchoring for 2021
December 27, 2020 • Pastor Tim Franklin
I have heard a number of people say, “I will be so glad to put this year behind me.” or “I cant wait until this year is over.” How does that work? How does changing a day on the calendar make the bad year go away? If 2020 has taught us anything it should be to stay closer to God, use common sense, and live prepared the best you know how.
#2: Show Me Your Glory
January 3, 2021 • Pastor Tim Franklin
Let's purpose in 2021 to see His glory, encounter His glory and live His glory...because it's the Glory of God in your life that will cause you to be an overcomer. When the believers experienced the glory of God at Pentecost, they didn’t just go back to living normal lives. They came out from that place and started turning the world upside down for Jesus. They preached the gospel; and worked miracles, signs and wonders; and the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47). That’s the glory we want to be operating in!
#3: Take Heart/Be Encouraged
January 10 2021 • Pastor Tim Franklin
There isn’t a human being alive on this planet who isn’t acquainted with troubles. Times of difficulty arrive unexpectedly, remain indefinitely, and take deep root in the mind. It is no wonder, then, why Jesus’s promise in Jn 16:33 also takes deep root in the minds and hearts of so many Christians: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
#4: Faith, A Call To StandJanuary 17 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinGreat faith is born in adversity! This message looks at three aspects of Faith: Faith Comes By Hearing, Faith Grants Access, and Faith Takes a Stand.
#5: Finding Wisdom In A Messed Up TimeJanuary 24 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinFighting for reform without fighting for transformation of hearts is futile. America needs revival! This message will help you find the heart of God again by listening to the right voices, seeking after wisdom and applying it to ones own life.
#6: Knowing and Believing JesusJanuary 31 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinKnowing Jesus and believing Jesus...it's not one or the other...IT'S BOTH! In difficult times we can get thrust into situations where our knowing AND believing gets challenged. This message will help you find the anchor to stand firm in your knowing AND believing.
#7: Loving Me (Jesus) Empowers YouFebruary 7, 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinWe all have those days when it's hard to follow Jesus. And the simple reason is: “I am not feeling it". This message is will help equip you so that you know what to do when that happens. When we let our feelings lead us we will shipwreck our faith! Feelings are fickle...be grounded in the Word!
#8: When People Hate YouFebruary 14, 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinThis message is about living a life of love while being hated. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you profess Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be persecuted. Knowing that, you can prepare in advance to walk in love, respond in love, and speak the truth with love.
#9: Face To FaceFebruary 21, 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinA common question that is asked when we experience trials and difficulty is: “God, where are you?” or “God where were you?”. This message will equip you to not drift away from God but to stay close to Him in every challenge and situation of life. You can be confident in this...the Presence of God will get you through anything!
#10: Face To Face (Part 2) - Called to Bring the PresenceFebruary 28, 2021 • Pastor Tim FranklinGod's presence isn't just for us, God wants everyone to experience His presence, His power, His kindness and His love. As believers, we are called to be carriers of the Presence of God. And to carry the presence requires a relationship with God and intimacy with God.
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