Pastor Tim invites you to participate in the upcoming Discovering Your Ministry Identity (DYMI) training weekend, December 4-5, 2020. For Freedom, this training has become a strategic resource for helping our leaders to assess themselves and their team members in six different areas – Spiritual Gifts, Team Style, Body Building Roles, Vital Values, Ministry Burden & Passion – and therein discovering how “who I am affects who we are.” For Body Life to function, its dependence is upon every person playing his or her part.
Prior to attending the weekend, you will need to complete the ministry assessment workbook, which includes the following
There is currently not a class scheduled.
Prior to attending the weekend, you will need to complete the ministry assessment workbook, which includes the following
- Heights Spiritual Gifts Survey - This gift inventory helps you determine how you may be gifted. Your gifts not only define the ministry roles in which you could serve, but also reveal HOW you will serve or teach or lead. There are 125 questions and the survey includes serving, equipping, worship, and sign gifts.
- Team Style Questionnaire - This tool helps people see how they work with others on a team or in a group. You will identify your primary style when working with others and understand the strengths and liabilities of various styles.
- Vital Values Assessment - Discover what is really important to you. Questions answered in this tool evaluate four major areas: 1) Values in your work, life and relationships; 2) Values important to you in training or equipping others; 3) Decision-making values; and , 4) Team values.
There is currently not a class scheduled.
The following video tutorial will help you accurately fill out the Assessment Workbook for our upcoming Discovering Your Ministry Identity class. Allow yourself about 7-10 days to complete the assessment. Please call the office at 321.622.6999 if you have any questions or need further clarification.